Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

One of the first things a baby can do, when they realise they can move by themselves, is to cause trouble. And when it comes, you'd wonder how can such a small person can do so much.

So, Kristine has now learnt how to roll all over the place. Which is fine until this morning.

Because rolling around in the bed with us (still in it) with a loose nappy full of fresh biological waste is a major disaster. Both of us were not aware of the situation (becase we're still recovering from last night's adventure) until she got whiff of a very bad smell (no, I did not fart)

By then, it was already too late because Kristine had rolled all over the bed and, well, you can imagine the rest. By the time we finished, we were a week ahead of our laundry schedule and pooped as hell. Kristine, being a baby, gave us a very nice innocent Angelic smile for our efforts........

OK, here's the thing I did with those Zoids figures

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