Petrol Price increase

Sigh. Here we go, from RM1.52 per litre to Rm1.62 effectively midnight tonight. I can guess there are a lot of cars waiting in queues at the petrol station.

Within the last eigth years, the price has gone up from RM1.00 to RM1.62. It does not matter if the excuse that Government wants to wean the public from sudsidies, etc. Like the normal Joe Public, I am not concerned about the politics of it but rather, the increase. This is because it affects the lives of everyone.

Once the oil prices increase, others will follow suit. Suddenly, your plate of Assam Laksa costs more (where the ingredients are the same or less), your favourite teh tarik costs too much to swallow. These are the effects which you can "see". But there will be others which you cannot. And as usual, salaries will not change to reflect this, you can see how bad it will be.

With RM30, I used to fill my car up every four days. Now, it has gone to less than two days.

I can tell you this that in the next coming elections, no matter what Hot Air they have, they are not going to be very popular. And I know who NOT to vote this time.

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