The troll under the bridge

I was using this bridge almost once a week when I noticed something unusual. There is someone living there! So, today, I decided to take some photos. It had to be quick in case the fella noticed me and starts to chase me from across the bridge. By the time I finished, I noticed my actions were being monitored by a bemused security guard. He just smile and let me go about my business. Phew. That was very careless of me.

I was hiding behind the plants, with the Nikon resting on the concrete barrier

And so, I decided to switch to the zoom lens

OK, so this fella has really made the bridge his home.

I waited so long for him to show his forehead but I am not waiting any
longer since the parking fees in this area is horrendous. Just under
three hours, it already costs me RM9.50!

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