Today is just like any other day but to me, it felt as if it really like just any other day, except that it feels uncomfortably weird.
And lugging it all across DU is so embarassing.
Anyway, today is the day that I relocate the system for the customer. However, in retrospect, I felt that we could have done this during the weekend as this would really help expedite the moving. But I am sure, they have reasons for the schedule. Still, going to their office is a new experience. This is the second time I have used a car lift in KL. The first time was in Jalan Raja Laut and it was a blast. Still, for this one, I was feeling a bit claustrophobic as soon as I realised that the lift doors were quite narrow.
to lock the door once I have finished. So, I am on my
own on this. And boy dismantling the system is the
easy part. Its the part where I have to carry them
to the car that is difficult as their office is in the 23rd
floor while the car is in Basement 5. And so, I had to
borrow one of their chairs to turn it into a makeshift
trolley. Ha ha ha ha!
the heavy batteries as well. If not for the chair, I'd
be going up and down the building at least eight
times, which is twice had I not used the chair.
5 metres away from the lift doors. At first I forgot
how it worked until I saw another occupant using it.
And then when I walked over, that's where I saw the
buttons. OK, panic's over. I mean, anyone would go
nuts if they're in a basement without any exit ramps
& cars keep coming in and disappearing into thin air
for one car at a time, so you cannot squeeze your way
in like an ordinary lift unless yo're in a motorcycle.
What a relief. Felt like a miner coming up
when the shift's over.
a mason drill bit, never ever touch it until it cools down.
This happened to me when I laid the drill on sloping
surface and it down a bit and just brushed my hand.
The skin burnt off as if it was butter. Luckily, there
injury was only skin deep as there were not much pain
but just a lot of those clear liquid forming on the wound.
But later in the afternoon, it began stinging. By the time
I got home and applied some antiseptic, it was a very
annoyingly painful
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