After I had left, I seldom go there and the last I've heard, they have moved to a 1st floor building nearby. Yes, I know, if its true, the move would have lost its identity. But today, after meeting an old friend, I decided to take this route just for old time's sake. Lo and behold! Yam Yam tree is back!
This is why "we" called the place Yam Yam tree.
Just look at how big the trees have grown since
the last 10years. But the wooden store is now
looking very run down. One day, I will catch up
with a friend of mine who just lives nearby to
get her to tell me what actually happened.
Just look at how big the trees have grown since
the last 10years. But the wooden store is now
looking very run down. One day, I will catch up
with a friend of mine who just lives nearby to
get her to tell me what actually happened.
But unfortunately inside, it has grown smaller and
the dividing wall has disappeared. Still, its business
as usual for everyone. However, the Chinese section
is just a shadow of its former self. They used to sell
economy rice and drinks too. Today, its just tables
and some home-made drinks.
the dividing wall has disappeared. Still, its business
as usual for everyone. However, the Chinese section
is just a shadow of its former self. They used to sell
economy rice and drinks too. Today, its just tables
and some home-made drinks.
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