Getting burnt

While I was busy the night before (sleeping), I heard a scream followed but Kaelynn's crying. Since my Mom rushed over and calmed things down, I did not think much about it. But it was later in the night, that my Wife told me that Kaelynn had burnt her hand on the iron which was left to cool down. We have told the girls time and time again, but somehow, this time, Kaelynn did not heed the warning.

Day by day, she is like me. And what is more frightening is, I got my hands burnt by the iron when I was around her age too. And if she is more like me, then, I also did remember having my legs stitched because I stepped on broken glass in the bathroom.........

Kaelynn showing her burnt hand.
The way she looks at you, you cannot helk but feel pity.

For the rest of the week, I decided to go
easy on her. I mean, just last week, she
had high fever, followed by small weird
measles and now this. So, I am going to
let her do what she likes for now. I know
she likes to play with my Nokia 5800
when I come home and I made sure she
gets it first. But also, I have to be fair if
Kristine asks for it first, though.

She also knows I am giving her a break despite all
her naughty antics. And so, she shared with me,
her (eaten) apple as a token of love. I know it too.

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