The Ice Balls

OK, by now, I am pretty sure the ice has formed. In fact, I am very confident that it was ready since yesterday. But today was the only time I was free. I mean, yes, I could just crack it open and then pour some water/Ribena/100plus/Coke/Pepsi/Kickapoo/Root Beet/F&N Grape/Coffee/Tea/Alphabet soup/.etc but I want this to be a bit different.

And yes, you can win a lot of snowball fights but you only have three shots.

And after thinking about it, I could have just make the ice balls with concentrated Ribena, water and pineapple chunks. Then, I would take them out and place it in a cup of 100 plus. As it slowly melts, it will slowly redden the 100plus and the pineapple bits might represent chopped up body parts. Yes, ues, its not even Halloween yet. But the Ribena/water is a good idea already.

And so, taking it out of the fridge, I noticed one
of the side had popped open. This means that
the ice is expanding after the water has leaked

And whoa! Ice Balls!

Yes, its quite big and what drink shall I used it with?

Amarula. Why not? The bottle's still
full after all these years and you
can come an join me anytime, K?

Oh no, no, no. Kaelynn cannot
have a sip after what happened
with the Shandy the last time.

1 comment:

Peter said...

Ice balls make good car dent-ers...especially there's a neighbour you really melts and leave no evidence ...hehehe