Free Maps Navigator

When I first got my Nokia 5800 11 months ago, I was really interested in the GPS functions. And so, I tried the OVI maps. One good thing with the built-in GPS function is that you can still use the OVI Maps but you have to wait a bit longer for it to lock on to the GPS satellites. Compared to A-GPS which 'locks' on almost instantaneously but you'll have to pay for network charges. Anyway, the more I explored the OVI Maps, the more I like it. But there is a stark difference when I played with a real deal Garmin GPS unit. Seems like the OVI Maps does not have a 'voice guidance' to guide you to your destination. You have to pay for it.

But thanks to the free 7-day trial that comes with the Nokia 5800, I was happy with it. But when I looked at the monthly charges for the Navigator, I might as well buy a Garmin. But now, thanks to Nokia (and DuckUla of NMTE) the OVI Maps and the Navigator is now FREE. Yes, free. And you can either download it here or use your Home Wifi instead.

I wanted to try this out a few days ago but being busy at work, there was no way I could activate the Office Wifi for my own selfish use. And so, today, I had the opportunity.

Sure enough, when I went to the software update
screen menu, the new OVI Maps 'with free navigator'
is ready for download. All 7988 kB of them. Whee..

And so, every delightful minutes ticked
by as it downloaded via the home WiFi.

And then, the software installed itself successfully


However, there is no fun splashscreen, just a
normal End-user policy.

Compared to the old OVI Maps, this new screen
is more colourful. But if you're used to the more
user-friendy Garmin XT, the navigation is very
complicated. Try changing voice prompts in the
middle of the journey and you will see what I
mean. Heh.

Not sure why my picture gets turned 90ยบ sometimes
but here is a screen shot of the new Navigator.

Here it is in Landscape mode. Note the working
cogs icon at the bottom left.

Its not a systems setting menu but
more on how you want the screen
to look like.

You can search for places either by manual entry
or from the map. However, unlike the Garmin XT
using Malfreemaps, there are a lot of places I could
not locate. So, I am not sure if anyone would start
to update maps for Nokia like Malfreemaps.

Because I chose the Asia Option, I get to have
English (UK Male and Female), Cantonese,
Mandarin (China and Taiwanese Females) but
not the English Surfer Dude which I have to go
download manually. Here's an example:
"After 100 metres, turn right.That would be your right, not my right, dude!"

OK, this is the screen for navigation. However, I
cannot take the pictures of the maps once the
satellites has locked on. (Because I am not going
anywhere. Ha ha ha) But once you start moving,
the maps on the screen updates very fast (because
its vector something something) and is a joy to
watch, especially when you turn into a corner.
But if you have a built-in compass like the N97,
the maps would not go crazy when you are in a
stationary position.

Stay tuned for the next post where I will try out the OVI Maps.

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