Kaelynn's First Day

Today is Kaelynn's first day in school and because of this, I had taken the day off just to take her there. So, it is an important day for her and just the night before, I noticed she was quite excited about it. Actually, she is quite cool with the concept of school since she has visited Kristine's school a few times, with her sister showing her around and proudly telling her classmates that, "This is my sister."

And unlike Kristine, Kaelynn did not make any fuss or cry on her first day. Which is good. And the first thing she did when she entered her class was to go to the corner where all the books were.........

OK, so today is Monday and if I am to follow the
old timetable, they should be wearing whites. I
made the call to Wife and she said they should
be wearing blue since today is the first day.

A quick change later, they're ready
In fact, Kaelynn is getting impatient

Alas. My Bengmobile is blocked and I could not
sound my Horn since the school's PA system is
louder than my cacat horn. So, I had to borrow
Dad's car. I hope they don't do this tomorrow.

Yes, it rained this morning but
by the time we all woke up, the
rain had stopped. I parked the
car far away, anticipating new
parents there. Yes, they're
walking very fast. Too fast even
for my Nikon D50.

After the orientation day, its
amazing that all the teachers
actually do remember each
student's names.

We followed Kristine to her class first

And then to Kaelynn's. As soon as she dropped
her bags, she went straight to the book section.
I guess she knew where they were as I am sure
she visited her class on Saturday with Mommy.

And so, she read and read and read...

My classmate's daughter was there too. I suggested
this school to him since it was the most suitable
school nearest to his place. And it was half the price
of a Montessori which he was looking at in the first
place but rejected since there were too many expats

Over breakfast, we catch up on old times. Seems like
all his siblings and In-Laws have migrated to Down
Under and his Wife is nagging him about it but,
"It never crossed my mind." when I asked if he wanted
to migrate. However, he did touch on Night Trading
which packs in about USD100 per night if you're
consistent and disciplined enough.

Meanwhile Kaelynn is still reading.......

And reading.........

And so is Kristine

I am surprised they even get to sing during
toilet breaks. Oh, if you do this now, you'd
be suspected of molesting and other crap.

Right after the toilet break, everyone or in other
words, the whole school has porridge & orange
juice for breaktime.

I missed Kaelynn's Gym session as I was looking
for a place to cut my hair. But I did catch up when
she was about to return to her class. As Krsitine's
was next, they both tried to say hello to each other

Another toilet break. This is one of the two
boys who cried so hard that their dams
broke. Twice.

At the end of the session, Kaelynn got a nice
stamp from her teacher for being a good girl

Time to go home and cause more havoc


Blueyebabe said...

so happy to see her in school uniform.. she is growing bigger and I'm getting older. aiks!

CFC said...

Yeah, hope they dun grow up to have vomit blood conversations with me.....

Blueyebabe said...


sure will!