The new Garden Hose

OK, I got a new garden hose. To replace the broken garden hose which I accidentally ran over while flushing my Bengmobile's radiator. That was a very #@%& expensive RM15.00 garden hose. Goes to show how smart I am.

Anyway, I went back to the same shop this morning and asked for the hose. Same hose, same price and I don't know what came over me but I said, "Got better design, ah?" which the guy said, "I have some better but expensive one, wait here while I get them from upstairs". Yeah, these guys keep their precious stuff "upstairs". Its always the same answer. Next time, I'll just brush him aside and go one a shopping orgy "upstairs". Ooh, what's this? A goldplated garden shear with diamond encrusted handles...... yeah, right.

Anyway, his "better one" costs me RM30.00 and
although some parts are metal, the trigger and I
suspect, the body are made of plastic. Still, it has
a very good grip.

Holding it like a gun, it can fire short bursts of
about 3 shots per second. Here, I am on the
lookout for some vermin... slowly... slowly...

Aha! There they are!


Luckily I turned the tap off as their aiming
are quite good now, thanks to the NERF guns

1 comment:

pressure washer hose said...

Oh' your new garden hose was so cool! i like it too. I am looking for that kind of garden hose. Thanks for sharing this post. Keep posting.
