Still, with only days left before I pick up the working bug, I have a lot to do and also, maybe, put some asbestos on the bridges. Anyway, with some of my savings, I went down to Pasar Road to continue with my project, which is the NCC-1701 Navigation lights. The PCBs are ready and this week, I will try to get as much electronic components my savings can buy so that I can prepare a minimum number of "ready to go" boards. There will be no kit versions; you just plug and go. This means I would have a lot of soldering and wire crimping to do. And what with my failing eyesight, I need to get one of those desk-clamp illuminated magnifiers. That is, as soon as I am able to collect my last paycheque from my Boss.
While I was getting the components, I realised that if I had used, say, 20 resistors for one PCB, this would mean I have to solder 40 times. So, let's say if I plan to make 500 boards...... yeah, I'd go nuts and this is just the resistor alone. OK, so that is a frightening scenario but now in reality, the first problem is actually getting all the components together for one board. And then, multiply it with the number of boards you have, its another nightmare mainly because of the cost involved. So, in this case, I have to buy the components a batch at a time since I have limited cash. So, I am going to make at least ten boards now, since that was how much components I could buy, and then another ten later when I have the cash or when the boards from the first batch are sold.
And so, at the end of the day, the these components
costs me about RM140.00 and there are still lots of
components left to buy.
costs me about RM140.00 and there are still lots of
components left to buy.
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