Doing the Dew

OK, so I bought myself some lunch at the 7-11 since most of my friends here were very busy. Then again, I am used to eating alone. However, the problem now is, although I have a job to do, I still have time to relax and not rushing like I always did for the past 15 years or so. But its weird to go and eat a full-course or complete meal instead of the usual bread and soft drink.

Incidentally, I am having one now, not for old time's sake but its that I do not know what else to eat. The irony is, I am standing in front of a economy rice stall while eating the bread and doing the Dew

The Dew costs me about RM2.50 and yes, I wanted
to shout its name minus the Monutain word

Its a new bread recipe and someone had the bright idea
of feeding 9 little Mexicans at once for RM2.30

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