Stock for the Barricade

This is a stock from the NERF Raider which I got from eBay. I mean, for about close to RM160, I am not interested because there are only two things that I like in there and it has nothing to do with the gun. One is the stock and the other is the drum barrel. And so, off to eBay I go.

And so, after 10 days, it arrived. Barely able to
contain my excitement, I took a sneak look into
the envelope every now and then.

One good thing is that with the N-strike series, most of
NERF parts are almost interchangeable. The only
I noticed here is that the 'pole' end from the
Barricade isn't
long enough to enter into the stock all
the way. So, if I am
to play rough with it, the absense
of this reinforcement
'pole' will mean that the stock
could be permanently broken very easily.

Anyway, this is how the barricade looks now, with
the new stock. It shaping up to be some sort of
CQB (Close Quarter Combat) grenade launcher...
But it won't be so CQB friendly when it explodes.

The only problem (which is me) is that you can
easily extend the stock with a pull and there are
three locking settings. And to push it back, you
just press on the orange lever. Many a time, I
accidentally pulled it back because there is no
locking for it.

All I have to do now, is to look for a matching scope (its somewhere in the house) and then paint it black.... or not. But this will take some time as I need to find the correct Krylon Fusion paint which seems to be very rare here.


Thomas said...

Wow, nice. Do you know how to make the gun shoot more powerful with minor mod without changing the parts? The longshot wasn't powerful enough to me :)

CFC said...

Well, Thomas,

In this case, the power of the Barricade lies in the speed of the flywheel itself. So, if you're going for the minor mods, I think increasing the number of batteries from 3 (which is already 4.5 volts) to 4 (6 volts) might do the trick. However, you will have to open the Barricade to modify the wiring.

I shall do this soon, maybe in mid-March.