Picard Season 3 is awesome

I skipped Picard Season 2 and you know what?

Life as we know it, still goes on.

It was that Season one which spoiled it for me. In a Nutshell, dying old man became an android while another android, which spawned other android kids,  wants to die. It was a WTF moment for me. I mean, in the earlier episodes, he portrayed a very tired and fragile old man. After the 'upgrade' he was still a very tired old man.

So, Picard2 came and went while I ignored it. But when it came to Season3 and one of my friend liked it straight from the first episode, I am here thinking, it must be something. And yes, the first episode really got me hooked. Espceially Captaoin Shaw who kinda put the him and Will in their place. But man, episode two is even much better. Here, I let the image speak for itself...

The USS Titan disengages the Shrike's tractor beam immediately after coming out of Warp.


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