Fairy Tales:Jack & The Beanstalk

OK, so I have problems getting Kristine to sleep on time. One of the advises I got was to read her some story books. OK, the ones which she did not tear them already. And when you're reading them at two in the morning, there are a lot of strange things that can go wrong. For example, reading the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Just a few pages and I was thinking, "What the Hell..."

So, here's the gist of it:
-Jack and his Mom are dirt poor
-They only have an old cow (no, not his Mom)
-Jack got some magic beans for the cow
-His Mom got pissed and threw the beans out of the window
-The next morning, the beans turned into a giant beanstalk
-Jack climbed the beanstalk, saw a house and the loot
-So, he lloted the loot
-The Giant saw Jack and wanted to GBH (Grievious Bodily Harm)
-Jack came down, axed the beanstalk
-Which also created an Ex-Giant too

So, my understanding at that time, was, Jack was too lazy to cut up the cow and instead went ot the market to sell her off. Since no one wanted to buy her, Jack was desperate and took some weirdo's payment in the form of Magic Beans. Stupid fella didn't even ask what they're for nor the receipt.

Naturally, his Mom got pissed off and threw the beansout of the window. There' nothing much you can do with them anyway. The next morning, Jack woke up to see the beans had grown into some humongous skyscraping beanstalk. After climbing up and avoiding the man-eating Fe-Fi-Fo-Fum Giant, he saw a lot of loot.

Being an innocent boy that he is, he took the loot only to be chased by some steroid eating big guy. So, he climbed down and chopped the beanstalk. The Giant, of course fell die la. And as usual, they lived happily ever after

OH My God! What kind of Fairy Tale is this? I can't teach my daughter this kind of thing:

A small boy stole and killed some guy just for his gold.

And after reading this, I went to the more detailed versions here. Shocking too

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