System Installation Part One

Today is the eved of Hari Raya. And yes, yours truly is hard at work, working hard. We're removing a very ancient PABX and in its place, would be a Panasonic system. Once again, I would need to know the system's history and all of its capacity. The amount of work can be considered to be quite a bit because we're not dealing with new cables or a new installation.

So, the first thing we need to do was:
- Isolate the cabling to the old PABX
- Remove the old PABX
- Reuse the old cabling
- Mount new system
- Redo Telekom lines
- Program new system according to customer
- Prepare for "Shit hits the Fan" situations

Unfortunately, by six in the evening, the customer was ready to go back and this means I would have to continue tomorrow morning. Wife's not going to be happy about it. No sir.

Just look at the amount of cables going in and out of the system

Their old PABX's power supply was "weak" and so
they got another

These batteries have been here for quite a long time.
See how they swell up? This is not a good thing

As expected, the battery's contact lugs are badly corroded
and weak. By moving the red thick cable around, the metal
just moves like plasticene

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