Losing my Ass

Boss: Wei, come here.
Me: Yeah? What you want?
Boss: No, don't sit there, come look at my PC screen!
Me: Okay. [goes over to this side] . . . . WTF!
Boss: Shhhh! Just help me type la. Your Engrund so good
Me: [Looks at the letter] . . . . Hmmm..... OK, do (this) and then change (that), etc.
Boss: Wai, no need fancy fancy stuff la, [read more] . . . hmmm... sai mm sai, ah?
Me: Well, have to get straight to the point la. No need to tell excuses of limited resources la.
Boss: OK. Then done la
Me: Can I go now? I'll take him to the appointment in Sungei Wang
Boss: Give me 15 minutes to print and then I'll call him in, OK?
Me: OK. [Leaves his office and trying to put on an innocent face]

So, this is how I lost my Ass(istant). He's a lot of problems for both my Boss and my team. Everyone has their own bad stories to tell but I am not in the mood to reveal much. My Boss and I had a talk yesterday and after much deliberation, we decided it was the best solution since our company has very limited resources. No need to waste anyone's time anymore.

So, a few days short of Merdeka, I will be alone again, with more work piling up for me as usual. It was already bad when we have to cover his mistakes but for now, during our drive to the customer, I warned him not to tell the rest of the team because we won't know how they might take it (with shouts of joy or slight cynical sadness)


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