Chocolates with a zing

Wife: Here, you can have these chocolates. The girls don't want them.
Me: Really? [Eyes the chocolates suspiciously]
Wife: Yes, you can have them. There's coffee beans inside
Me: OK, munch munch krunch munch munch
Wife: Mind you, don't eat too much or you can't sleep tonight
Me: OK. Munch munch munch

Me: Munch munch munch

Me: Munch munch munch

Me: Munch munch munch


These leetle theengs lookz normal. hwuey!

Actually, its from Australia from one of my Sister in Laws.
One thing is, whenever any of our relatives come over, and
usually from Australia, they tend to buy loads of Chocolates
as if the whole country is making chocolates instead of those
returning flying sticks (boomerangs) and Koala bears. And
when I was there in the mid-90's I don't see much of
chocolates about. Weird.

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