My Lightsaber's broken

Ever since my wife agreed to let me go ahead with the electronics venture, I have been searching high and low for all my tools as they're stashed everywhere. My idea of using the store room as my project room is still on hold as it will be used to store all the junk from the "other"house. And I cannot use the office since my desk is easily the messiest. Damn.

Still, all is not lost since I roughly know where all my stuff are but when I opened one of the boxes, I was shocked to see my Lightsaber secretly doing some private chemical exchange with the battery. Yeah, when I put my stuff in storage, I have to make sure that whatever batteries they use, must be taken out or else crap like this would happen. And so, this is the only one I completely forgot. The problem was when I designed the Lightsaber, there was not enough space to make a screwcap and so, it has to be pushed/wedged shut. When I wanted to take out the batteries, it was too tight and then, naturally, it went MIA, battery inside and all.

The chemical from the batteries reached with the outer copper casing
thus producing a greenish gunk which I am all too familiar in my work.

After struggling like brainless baboon for a few minutes, the cap came
off with a metallic "whop". And here, is the extend of the damage. The
inner casing, which is aluminium, was affected too. And so, the battery
holder was stuck. So, I have to pry it out carefull in case I break my
beautiful yellow plastic Rm5.90 screwdriver. (Price gone up, ma)

Then when I saw the connector, I was happy because this means that I
do not have to pull out everything and resolder them all over again. And
so, all I have to do now is to get a new AAA battery holder and a brand
new connector and its all set! But just an afterthough: Since I designed
the Lightsaber to be rusty and all, maybe I should redo the whole thing
and dip it in corrosice chemicals......... or maybe not. I don't have time
for this right now since I want to get a few projects off the ground soon

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