60 minutes of Darkness

And that's it. Darkness. Everyone switched off their lights for one hour. To raise awareness about climate changes.

For decades, scientists and conservation groups have tried various ways to get everyone to reduce their energy consumption by creating more efficient lighting, hybrid cars, education and so on. Its an uphill struggle to get a person to switch off lights or appliances when not being used or even reduce its consumption. They have almost done everything.

Except this.

Some bright spark in Sydney, Australia thought it would be a good idea to switch off some lights for one hour, which he thinks will help improve the situation. But, there are some things to consider:

-Engineers and technicians would face divorce or cold dinners because they have to rush to be on-site to repair the Generators or cables, to contain any power overloads when everyone switches on their lights simultaneously. In fact, baby production for that month might even be jeopardised.

- Sales of Night Vision goggles would go up. And so are robberies and unexplained street graffiti.

- Vampires will have a full 60 minutes of killing frenzy.

- There would be a lot of reports of untoward incidents such as being robbed from behind, insulting backchats and so on.

- Alien Motherships would have near collisions with Earth in every time zone

- All airplane pilots would create 9-11 incidents in non-voluntary fashion.

- Blind people would make a lot of money as street tour guides for everyone, from taxi drivers to bike couriers to real-deal tourists.

- People would have street parties, where they will use the cheap inefficient lightbulb torches and increase carbon dioxide emission by burning candles. So, sales of these stuff would go up except for condoms and firecrackers (unless you can sell these as instant lights).

- Street cleaners would be very pissed off because of all the discarded (mercury safe) batteries and melted wax everywhere the next day. They might even go on strike for better pay and conditions, which force Cities to increase their budget.

- Fatal car accidents would increase because some clever clogs would actually think about switching of their car headlights.....

- Sales of fuel would increase and also carbon emissions as everyone would start using gensets trying to make a brighter torchlight.

- Wrong injections and diagnosis would happen in Hospitals. And so are increased reports on knee injuries.

- Librarians would experience boredom for the first time.

- Sales of Moon glasses will not take off since there would not be a Full Moon on that night.

And so, the list goes on and on. Let's not even talk about Lawsuits. And all this to create awareness about Climate Changes? Everyone is doing it, Celebrities are supporting it, and right across the Globe, its cool to do that, also at the same time, creating pressure on those who do not want to do it.

So, in support of Earth Hour, I will have my dinner where I can see my food, watch TV, have a Hot shower, turn on the air-con.

Because in the real World, everyone would be using fluorescent lights, plant thousands of trees everyday, go to bed at 10PM, not watch TV nor put appliances in standby modes, cycle to work and eat organically grown Tofu from their own backyard.

Alternately, I can go out and destroy all the power generators and dams all over the World. Then, this would be called Earth Decade instead. Because one hour is not enough.

This is the street scene at 2035 at night. Yeah, who cares?

Me? I am going to eat the duck, siew yok and Nasi
Dagang I bought in Ipoh and Tapah R&R. Lights are
bright enough right where I can see them.

The girls are enjoying them too. Yeah, who cares?

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