The trip up North ..... Penang Part II

And so, after last night's effort, today's remaining job is to continue setting up the system while my tech continues his. Not much to be done since we managed to squeeze a few hour's work into just two. But there were some problem, such as forgetting to bring some crucial plastic base although the customer is fine with matchbox connectors. My tech and I knew that it would not be good enough a solution. And so, for the next two hours, we got lost in Penang trying to locate a decent electrical shop for the items we needed.

I did not know Penang has Times Square....

Its such as nice day and I really did feel good
(about slacking off to take pictures). We did
the shop somewhere in the middle of
I could not tell where it is as my
Nokia 5800
is still being repaired.

I think this is Green Lane or something, which I
have been here 10 years ago. I loved driving on
this street due to the trees.

After finding the correct way way back, I saw this
place again, which I always successfully failed to go
into, everytime I was in Penang.

And so, with limited time, I had to check out of the
Hotel while I set my tech off to have his breakfast.
Luckily, I did bring a fresh half-loaf of Delicia's
Butterscotch while I worked

All done! And after testing, everything is fine!
We can go back to KL now, but before that....

Its the once in a lifetime experience of Penang Bridge traffic jam.

It took us 30 minutes to get from here to that arrow

Hurry! Hurry! Its 8 more minutes to 60 minutes of ..........

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