Things you can do with Dettol

Dettol. Its one of those things you can't live without it. It not only cleans and disinfects but also help germs to evolve to a badder germ. With Dettol, you will know its doing its job and leaving the place smelling like a Hospital, but without the exorbitant fees.. You will feel good about it. No, in fact, you will feel good, gooder and goodest. And the plus point, strangers would think you're a Doctor and would love to have babies with you. However, do go easy on the armpits.

With a worn toothbrush (not used anymore), some
Dettol and water, my (never cleaned before) 2005
Seiko Pro Trek will be cleaner than the cleanest of
the clean. So, right now, its undergoing an very
nice 247 second Dettol bath. By then, the 4 year
old grime would be thoroughly wet and easy to
clean off.

See the black specks? Those are the sweat, grime
dandruff, and other biological traces that has been
brushed out. The rest just made the water black.

The before and after pictures, of course

So, you know what to do the next time. This is very
important for a person like me who never take the
damn watch off (for years). The stink from the
metal straps are even enough to scare off a skunk.

Next would be my shaver.............
No, no, I DO wash them all the time.
And no, no, its not going into the bath.

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