Where did all the water come from?

Belated post[03.11.2009 13:28]

I was at another customer today. They too had problems from the Lightning Strike last Friday. But because their lightning protection was excellent, their system was protected. However, the same cannot be said about the provider. When I arrived, their ISDN line was already up 10 minutes ago but their analog line was still on the blink. Anyway, halfway settling their problem, I opened their DB box and was shocked to discover water in there. Of course, I had to quickly show this to the customer. The last time both of us noticed the water was a few months back which affected the PC's keyboard and a table. But this time, this is much more serious than that.

The paper which was cellotaped to the cover was
dripping wet. It was so heavy with water that it
just tore itself from the cellophane tapes.

And on the cover itself, you can see the water
pooling in there. Seems like the water came
from the top, ran around the rubber grommet
and then dripped to the next metal box below

As you can see, the darkened area is where the water
affected the metal connectors. As most of them are
made from copper, electrolysis occurs and what is
left are the greenish stuff. Later on, the cables are
so badly rusted, would break of connection.

The yellow arrows point to
the water collected in the
tags. This means this has
happened for weeks.

Another view from the bottom.
Yep, worse to worse, all tags
will have to be changed. Ouch.

And so, after telling the customer,
they got a staff to take action.....

And as I was about to leave, I looked
up and made my own conclusions

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