The con game

My tech collected four phones for repair from one customer. He was testing them again and again but without much progress. I took a look at the phones and discovered that there is something definitely wrong. And for Toshiba phones of this type, it seldom breaks down. Ever.

These are the more "updated" phones but compared
to the lastest models, they are still old.

The reason why its not working? The transformer is
missing and after I replaced it with a closer spec, it
is still not working.

So, I told my Boss about it and after some telephone calls to the customer, it seemed that these phones were given to an unnamed technician for repair quite some time ago. Maybe because of some dispute, the phones were returned back sans the transformers. Boss speculated that the technician could have held on to the transformers to make sure the phones are still not working until the customer agrees to his conditions or something like that. My theory is that, the tech botched the repair job as some ICs were not soldered "professionally" and so, used the phones as cann (cannibalised) parts.

The only working phone was the one not sent to the technician which I easily repaired (faulty speaker, ma). As I have said again, these Toshiba Digital phones do not spoil easy except for normal wear and tear. The only time it breaks down is when someome tampers with it or, in a rare instance, it experienced sudden power surge.

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