Even beggars tell me to yiak jiew

After discussing with a customer today, I noticed it was already past 11 in the morning and and my stomach was grumbling. So, I went to the nearby 7-11 to get a bottle of Pepsi and two bananas. I would consume the bananas right in the 7-11 but today, I decided to eat & walk since the customer made me feel good. While waiting at the traffic light, an Indian guy walked up to me. He looked a bit haggard and was a bit unsteady on his feet. But what took me by surprise was that he spoke very good English.....

Man: Are you an executive? You look like an executive
Me: er, no. I am in Sales.
Man: Ah, everyone's a salesman. Even a Doctor is a salesman, selling medicines. even the Prime Minister is a Salesman.
Me: Uhuh...
Man: I wonder if you could help me. I have not eaten for 18 hours.
Me: Hey, me too. That's why I am eating my breakfast now.
Man: I am not asking for money but just something to eat.
Me: OK, you want a banana? I have a banana. In fact, lets go back to the 7-11 for some bananas.
Man: Erm. No thanks. I'll settle for something better.
Me: But.....
Man: I see your Sales are not doing well. You're eating bananas. Your Sales are going to the bananas. (and he walks off)
Me: (WTF)........

Basket. After that, I don't even have the
to finish off the Pepsi.

I told me Wife this and she said, the beggar told me to 'yiak jiew' or eat shit or something in that effect. Basket.

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