The Kaleidoscope

I found this on the table and this was a lovely surprise as it was ages since I held one in my hands. For all those who do not know what it was, its a kid's cheap alternative to getting stoned. OK, OK, for the 'up-to-date' version, its the cheap alternative for those who has no money to buy this app for their iPads/IPhones/Androids/etc.

Basically, its just a paper tube (extended toilet roll) filled with colourful trinkets and some mirrors to create a wonderful image or fractal-like patterns in an infinite variation. Also, its a cheap way to entertain kids non-infected for hours. (Infected as in exposed to TVs, iPads/iPhones/Androids/Internet)

The sad thing is, for kids nowadays, especially my girls, this tube only distracted them for less than 30 seconds. One day, I am going to blacken the eyepiece...

A tube of fun...

And when you peek into it, whoa.......

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