20240901 Permanent Defrost

The 14 year old fridge felt kinda warm these past few days and yesterday, we woke up to the upper section not being cold at all. Naturally, we and or rather, I, blamed anyone who did not close the doors properly. After much trouble shooting and power cycling the Fridge, I know that the upper section has a problem. What really rankled me was that it only clocked about less than four years in terms of operation hours.

It is most probably a fan not blowing into the fridge and it costs about anything from RM56 to RM100 plus. However, since I do not know much about fridge repairs and this was just a simple logical deduction, I was not allowed to open it up.

In the end, we opted to buy a new one which was slightly bigger but from the same manufacturer, Panasonic. I wanted something that would last like General Electric but they don't sell them anymore in this part of the world. So, after a nice dinner at QHouse, we walked across to IOI Mall's AEON and arranged for delivery in a few day's time.

Gone were the days when things were built to last for decades and not years.....

And in the span of just two and a half days, all food and stuff has to be thrown out, except for the beers, which lasts longer even if I can't drink them. And I just bought the fresh carton of milk...

This is the Panasonic Inverter which we bought around 2007. Although it is 14 years old, it only ran for maybe, less than three years and was kept in the other location for years. We got it back a few months ago and it was working fine until yesterday. So maybe, elements and dusts seeped into and affected the moving parts...

[Update: 03.09.2024]

When I came home, the fridge was ON, which I could have sworn that its plug was OFF the night before. My Wife said she did switch it off and when she came back, she decided to turn it on again. This was because on the previous day, it was making a loud nise like a muffles motorcycle exhaust. And now, the fridge is cold. Not cold as in cold, cold but just cold. Still, we have made our choice and tomorrow, a new model will replace it.

Well, you know what?
The fridge is COLD!

And it is a little bit taller too.

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