The day I got the van...

"Keep your pride at home!" My Boss told me.

"And take the test!".

You see, I was supposed to take the test so that I could drive the company's commercial van. This was in plan with the company's aim. The Kenari which I am getting fond of, is going to be given to another person. And so, I get to "inherit" the van. But I was supposed to have done everything by June. Unfortunately, we were so busy, this issue was kept at the back burner until now.

The procedures of getting the license was quite easy. Sit for the seven hour lecture, and then take the test one week later. Simple, right? Yes, it was that simple. Until things got in the way, like work and busy schedules and also, "advises". So, on the eve of the exam, after a late night session too, I told my Boss that I can take the test by myself, even though I have cancelled Monday's leave to study my notes. But he thought otherwise and told me that he has no doubt about my capabilities but its the monkey-business he could not afford to take chances.

And so, on that morning, it was a personal struggle for me, having to give my own answers without being "spoilt" by the actual answers. But when I checked again and again, I would only get three mistakes out of fifty, which is still above the passing mark of forty-two. Anyway, what is done, is done and I am still not happy about it. But it did create a win-win situation for other parties.

I remembered that during the lecture, not many people were taking notes. But when the exams came, everyone was poring over the sample test book which was given free to us the week before. And most of the questions were from the same book. Dammit.

I could have saved the company that money.

Anyway, what is done is done.

You know what I did when I got the van on the first day? Yeah, I broke one of those parking gate poles/barrier at The Curve. And the fine was RM100. The guy told me that he would let me off except for the newly installed CCTV which has recorded my deed. They have had this for a few times where the last culprit took off and they had to call the Police to get him.

Maybe I was too excited or nervous since this was my first time driving a van. And when I sat on the driver’s seat, it felt a bit cramped. (Which the next day, I realized, that the reason I could not move the seat further back was due to a fucking water bottle blocking the way) So, when I tried on the paddles, I kept hitting the steering column as I did not get to see the paddles properly in the dark. All the time, I thought the brakes were stuck.

By the time I finished at The Outpost, it was already dark. So, at the parking exit, I slowed down and stepped on the brakes but the van kept moving. When I stepped harder, there was no change. So, I was like this dumb fuck, sitting in the van, watching it hit the barrier and breaking it in slow motion. (After thoughts, I could have just pulled the handbrakes but I was shocked). And so, the security guard on the bicycle stopped me and I had to pull over to the side to let the other cars go while he reported my stupididty.

So, here I am, with my camera running out of rechargables
and only able to capture these two shots. Here is the man
who talked to me and slightly above left, you can see the CCTV

I only broke the yellow aluminum pole but the previous culprit
broke the whole thing. That is why you see the partial cover

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