Make a meal out of oats......

One thing I loved to add, when eating porridge at home, was the crunchy prawn chili. And because the I can turn the current oatmeal almost to the consistency of my favourite porridge, adding the chili is just natural. The wonders of this instant oatmeal is, once you add hot water and stir it up, you can make it watery or semi-solid, depending on how much oatmeal or hot water you want to add. The only thing I do not like to add (at the moment) is sugar or other sweet stuff. One day, when I am bored, maybe I'll go along the theory of mashed potatoes.......

Not wanting to wanting to waste the spoon, I dipped
it into the chili before adding the hot water.

This time, I decided to make it almost semi-solid
and its delicious. Then wife came in and started
to prepare lunch...... haiya. Too full for her lunch.

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