The Cendol Jelly thingy....

Someone made this and I am not sure who, but I know my Wife had a hand in it. (I would too, if it had not set when I came home....) Its those jellies which has cendol in it. So, we waited for it to set.

And waited...

And waited...

And waited...

Then Mommy got Kaelynn to help cut them into
small pieces. Unfortunately, since Kaelynn was
still too young to learn about geometries....

Yeah, so its now a deformed/multilated jelly cendol thingy

But wowzers! It tastes great! Its fine as it is
although my Mom commented it should be
a lot sweeter. I do not agree because if its
too sweet, it would be all gone before I can
get any for myself.....

And it was my turn to put them into plastic
cases, which I gladly did, like a bull with a

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