System down in Puchong I

[12122008 1120]

Me: So, what happened?
Customer: Well, we came back from the weekend and this happned
Me: Uhuh. You got hit by lightning right?
Customer: Guess so, the guard said there was heavy rain over the weekend
Me: OK, let me have a looksee.......
Customer: Its going to be expensive, right?
Me: Well, let me check it out first. I can't really say much at this point
Customer: Well, OK. But just to let you know, the Boss is still on leave
Me: I know. If not, he would have called me over the weekend.

I never did like servicing this site
because they crammed all of the
system into this small cupboard

Anyway, the system is out of commission
and so, I have to take it back to check if it
can be repaired. But chances are, I would
have to expect the bad news.

In the meantime, I brought four phones and tapped into
their incoming lines so that they can still answer calls. But
as usual, the staff ignored the ringing most of the time and
some have started to look for the ringing volume switch.

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